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Monica Bill Barnes & Company presents "The Museum Workout"

Monica Bill Barnes & Company presents "The Museum Workout"


Monica Bill Barnes & Company


The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY


Thursday, January 19, 2017 - 8:30am weekly through February 12, 2017



Monica Bill Barnes & Company

Monica Bill Barnes & Company has reimagined the museum tour, creating a physical way for audiences to relate to the finest art in the world. Participants join the company in the early morning, before public hours, following Monica Bill Barnes and her long-time dancing partner Anna Bass as they travel through the museum, performing choreographed exercises in the galleries.

Barnes invited artist and author Maira Kalman to collaborate with the company to create a new way to spend time in museums. Kalman curates the artwork visited on the tour.

Creative Producing Director Robbie Saenz de Viteri mixes her recorded voice with a soundtrack ranging from Disco to Motown. The Museum Workout disrupts the normally contained museum environment, invigorating participants by creating a physical relationship to the art of the ages.


Photography by Paula Lobo

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