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Movement Research Classes and Workshops Fall 2013/Winter 2014

Movement Research Classes and Workshops Fall 2013/Winter 2014


Monday, September 9, 2013 - 7:00pm

Movement Research Announces
Classes and Workshops

Fall 2013/Winter 2014 Season

Low-cost, ongoing, drop-in CLASSES led by established, progressive dance artists, frequently those seminal in the contemporary field of movement and other arts disciplines, which attract local, national and international students. Enrollment begins 20 minutes before class. Classes are 4 each (exceptions noted below); 20 for a ten-class card (2/class, good for four months); and 0 for a five-class card (2/class, good for two months). There is no pre-registration for classes.

WORKSHOPS assist the pursuit of deeper levels of exploration into new dance processes, techniques, and ways of thinking and working, for faculty and students alike. Pre-registration for workshops is strongly advised!

Sample Workshop:

Jeremy Nelson
is a dancer/choreographer and teacher. He was a member of the Stephen Petronio Dance Company, and has also danced in the work of David Zambrano, Susan Rethorst, Luis Lara Malvaci­as, in his own work, and with improviser Kirstie Simson. He was the recipient of a "Bessie" for performance and in 2004 was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for choreography. In the last 25 years he has taught classes/workshops in over 30 countries at venues including Movement Research, ADF, ImPulsTanz, P.A.R.T.S., and the Sasha Waltz Company. He is presently Head of the Dance Department at the Danish National School of Performing Arts.

October 14-18 MON-FRI 12:30-2:30pm
Avenue C Studio
4 per class, class cards applicable
The workshop will draw on Nelson's 25 years of continuing study in the work of Barbara Mahler and Susan Klein, and by more recent studies in other techniques such as Alexander TechniqueTM, Feldenkrais Method® and Body-Mind Centering®. We will begin with simple exercises and stretches that encourage mobility and suppleness in the superficial muscles, establish clear connections and directions through the bones, and create a dynamic and weighted relationship with the floor. The class will also incorporate a variety of approaches including some improvisation and hands-on work in partners that help deepen our awareness and give us the opportunity to really experience some of these ideas in a physical way. We will then take our work into very simple activities and movements in order to try and integrate this new awareness into our body's movement patterns, and then build up to phrases of movement that involve moving more fully and dynamically.

To see other classes and workshops, visit www.movementresearch.org

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