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"Moving Men" at Dixon Place curated by Doug Post

"Moving Men" at Dixon Place curated by Doug Post


Various companies. Curator: Doug Post


Dixon Place
New York, NY


Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 7:30pm



Various companies. Curator: Doug Post

About This Show

A series of new choreography that features all male dancers. Curated by Doug Post.

Featuring Sidra Bell, Masanori Asahara, Joshua Eguia, Joe Monteleone & Hee Ra Yoo.

About the Artists

SIDRA BELL DANCE NEW YORK is rapidly gaining an international profile for work that reveals aspects of the human condition through a distinctly female lens. Bell’s creations have been described as, “brainy, exuberant, and audacious.” (San Francisco Chronicle). The work demands both physical power and tender expressiveness from her crack ensemble of “fearless and technically honed dancers”(Vancouver’s Georgia Straight). The Company has performed extensively throughout the USA, Europe, Canada, and South America.

Masanori Asahara is Japanese born dancer, choreographer and improvisation artist based in Brooklyn, New York. He has a background in street dance styles and contemporary dance. His choreography has been shown at SOAK festival and the undergroundzero Festival.  He has worked as a dancer for choreographers Kota Yamazaki, Yoshiko Chuma, Isabel Gotzkowsky, Nathan Trice and among others. Masanori  has collaborated with visual artists, installation artists, musicians, filmmakers and multimedia artists in a variety of projects. Currently he is a core member of the New York  interdisciplinary ensemble LEIMAY. He has performed at venues such as BAM Fisher, Brooklyn Museum, Dance New Amsterdam, Dixon Place, The Gene Frankel Theater, Joyce SoHo, Judson Church, St. Mark´s Church, Watermill Center, Jacob’s Pillow, Teatro Jorge Eliecer Gaitan (Bogotá, Colombia), Mesa Art Center (Arizona), and Tulsa Performing Arts Center William Theater (Oklahoma).

Joshua Eguia is a senior BFA at the University of Houston: School of Theatre and Dance where he studies both Acting and Dance. He has worked with companies and choreographers including; Karen Stokes Dance, Teresa Chapman, the Houston Symphony, John Beasant III, 6 Degrees Dance, Suchu Dance Company, Aileen Mapes, and Texas! The musical. His choreography has been featured in Four in the Mix (Houston, 2016) and the American College Dance Festival (2016). He is currently training in the Broadway Dance Center Professional Summer Semester.

Joe Monteleone is a New York based solo dance artist and Artistic Director of Monteleone Dance.  He received his B.F.A. in Dance at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers.  His work has been presented at Dixon Place (NYC10 and Moving Men), Boston University (ReVerb Dance Echoes Tour), Peridance (APAP Showcase), the Moving Beauty Split Bill Series, Triskelion Arts, Dumbo Dance Festival, Rutgers University, The Current Sessions, Baruch Performing Arts Center (Reverb Dance Festival), the Norwood Club, The Chocolate Factory, PMT Dance studio, Williamsburg Movement and Arts Center, the Amalgamate Artist Series, Your Move Dance Festival, and Green Space, among numerous other showcases throughout the NYC area. Joe won the Audience Favorite Award at NYC10 in 2015 and was voted favorite choreographer at The Intimate Series.  Residencies currently include two Solo Commissions by The Moving Beauty Series, the CoLab Arts Residency, and Arts and Education.

International choreographer Hee Ra Yoo founded the New York modern dance company “Yoo and Dancers” in 2009 after completing the MFA program at NYU Tisch. Before moving to New York City in 2007, Ms. Yoo danced with the Korean National Ballet, the California Ballet, the San Diego City Ballet, the Canberra Dance Theatre in Australia, and was a guest dancer with the Kirov Ballet company in Russia. Ms. Yoo has taught dance at universities in the U.S., South America, Asia, and Europe. She has coached the Australian and Korean Olympic Gymnastics Teams. In New York City, Ms. Yoo has taught at Steps on Broadway, the Joffrey Ballet School, Dance New Amsterdam (Gibney Dance Center), and Peridance. Ms. Yoo is currently a dance professor at Georgian Court University in New Jersey, and this summer will teach at American Dance Festival and in Vienna, Austria at Move On Dance Institute. Her solo was selected to perform at ADF and at Edinburgh Dance Festival.

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