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NEW YORK THEATRE BALLET presents the 2016 Ballet School NY Summer Camp

NEW YORK THEATRE BALLET presents the 2016 Ballet School NY Summer Camp


New York Theatre Ballet


Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 9:30am weekly through July 18, 2016



New York Theatre Ballet

presents the
2016 Ballet School NY Summer Camp
July 5-18, 2016

New York Theatre Ballet (NYTB) presents the annual Ballet School NY Summer Camp from July 5-18, 2016 for children ages 8-12. The camp will include ballet, jazz, field trips, original choreography by the students, and a performance on the final day. The camp will take place Monday - Friday from 9:30am - 3:30pm. The final performance of class work and the students' original choreography will take place on Friday, July 15 at 3:30pm. On Saturday, July 16, students will take part in a special performance for the Arts Brookfield Bastille Day celebration with New York Theatre Ballet at the World Financial Center. The cost to attend the two-week camp is $1,000. A deposit of $100 is required at registration.
To reserve space for your child, email admin@nytb.org or call (212) 679-0401. Registration is now open.

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