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NY Premiere of "monumental" by the Holy Body Tattoo

NY Premiere of "monumental" by the Holy Body Tattoo


Choreography by Dana Gingras and Noam Gagnon


Brooklyn, NY


Friday, September 16, 2016 - 7:30pm daily through September 17, 2016



Choreography by Dana Gingras and Noam Gagnon

Amid a din of ambient guitars, nine dancers confined to two-by-two-foot pedestals belie their workplace-appropriate skirts and slacks in this full-bodied indictment of the daily grind from Canadian dance troupe the Holy Body Tattoo. With live accompaniment by the powerful Montreal-based post-rock ensemble Godspeed You! Black Emperor, this seething choreography telegraphs self-preservation against bureaucracy, groupthink, and drudgery. Behind the convulsive scene, projected texts by Conceptual artist Jenny Holzer offer wry commentary on the ambiguous ethics of going about one’s business, as these beleaguered bodies keep on keepin’ on. 

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