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NYC debut of Philly choreographer Annie Wilson's "LOVERTITS"

NYC debut of Philly choreographer Annie Wilson's "LOVERTITS"


Annie Wilson


505 ½ Waverly Ave. between Fulton St. & Atlantic Ave., Clinton Hill, Brooklyn


Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 8:00pm
Friday, March 27, 2015 - 8:00pm
Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 8:00pm


$15 - pay at door

Annie Wilson

Pictured: Jenna Horton and Ilse Zoerb.  Photo by Johanna Austin. 


JACK presents
Annie Wilson's

Thursday to Saturday, March 26 – 28, 2015 at 8pm
(All performances open for review)
TICKETS: $15, in advance or cash only at the door

Direct from its premiere last fall in Philadelphia, Lovertits is a burlesque-postmodern-dance-theater-bad-improv performance by Philly favorite Annie Wilson. Why does the performance of sexiness look so different from the actual act of sex? Why is it so funny? Why anxiety dreams about losing things in your vagina? Why “Orgasm Wars?” Why clitoris? Why weird bags of fat that hang from your chest?

Lovertits features co-creator/performers Wilson, Christina Gesualdi, Jenna Horton and Ilse Zoerb, sound design by Adriano Shaplin, lighting by Andrew Thompson and costumes by Amy Martin.

505 ½ Waverly Ave. between Fulton St. & Atlantic Ave., Clinton Hill, Brooklyn
(C or G train to Clinton-Washington)



Annie Wilson’s work arises from a context in Philadelphia right now of female choreographers employing sharp humor and a wicked satire of “sexiness” in their work. Other choreographers in this movement include Magda & Chelsea (whose The Vulgar Early Works had its NYC premiere at JACK this past fall) and The Dance Apocalypse, who will be appearing at JACK in the week following Wilson’s residency. Lovertits premiered at Philadelphia's Ruba Club on September 19th, 2014 as part of the Philadelphia Neighborhood Fringe Festival. 

Annie Wilson is a Philadelphia-based dance theater artist who was named “Top 25 Dance Artists of 2012” by the Philadelphia Dance Journal. Her previous work includes in memory of the deathtrap, Solo, at home with the humorless bastard, and Hipster Shaman. She has worked recently with Nichole Canuso Dance Company, Applied Mechanics, Lucinda Childs, New Paradise Laboratories, fidget, and Here[begin] Dance, she writes for Thinking Dance and is the Development Coordinator at Mascher Space Cooperative. Her work has been described as “funny, hilarious… its originality and her performance [is] priceless” by Merilyn Jackson of Broad Street Review. 

JACK's programming is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and the Peg Santvoord Foundation.

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