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New Dance Cinema

New Dance Cinema


A+ Productions


SCENE, 357 West 36th Street, New York, NY


Friday, February 20, 2015 - 8:00pm



A+ Productions

NEW DANCE CINEMA is an event series that showcases directors on the forefront of cinematic dance. From all corners of the globe, NDC taps into the new and exciting ways that directors and choreographers are fusing movement with film and technology and telling stories in ways that only the body can tell.

With an international reach and a local flair, NDC creates an eclectic atmosphere of art, entertainment, music and performances with live talk backs and intimate conversations with our filmmakers.

Dance on and off the Screen!


Works and visiting Filmmakers include:

Eva Baro (Spain)

Harm Weistra (Netherlands)

Sojung Bahng (South Korea)

Anji Crain (US- New York)

Vinicius Cardoso (Brasil)

Paul Sarvis (US - Maine)

Will Anderson (US- CA)


+ many more!



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