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New York Jazz Choreography Project Seeks Choreography Submissions

New York Jazz Choreography Project Seeks Choreography Submissions


Jazz Choreography Enterprises


Ailey Citigroup Theater, The Joan Weill Center for the Arts, NYC


Sunday, July 26, 2015 - 11:59pm



Jazz Choreography Enterprises

Jan La Salle

Jazz Choreography Enterprises is seeking choreography submissions for the October 17-18, 2015 production of the New York Jazz Choreography Project. The performances will take place at the Ailey Citigroup Theater, The Joan Weill Center for the Arts, on Saturday, October 17th, at 8:00 and Sunday, October 18th, at 2:00. The choreography must be original (we rarely accept re-creations), and it must be jazz: musical theater, contemporary, Latin, Afro-Cuban styles, etc., are fine. No tap. We must receive a video of the work to be presented by Sunday, July 26, 2015. Please contact Marian Hyun for more information: Marian@jazzchoreographyenterprises.org.

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