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New York Live Arts presents "Within Between" (2014)

New York Live Arts presents "Within Between" (2014)


New York Live Arts


(Re)Live Arts Streaming
219 W 19th St.
New Yrok, NY 10011


Thursday, April 16, 2020 - 7:30pm daily through April 23, 2020



New York Live Arts

Everything looks like something. But apparently you can’t judge a book by its cover. Despite the interplay and disjunction between essence and appearance, all artistic work uses its perceptual surface (what it looks like, sounds like, feels like, …) as a means of transmission. The aesthetics of a work of art speak to the value systems of its author(s), which are in turn formed through the construction of such eternally slippery terms as beauty.

Within between is an evening-length work by Jasperse with an original score by composer Jonathan Bepler. Jasperse seeks both to embrace and to resist the habits of his own history, to create a cross pollination or catalytic mating of sensibilities, where the work emerges out of the space between what seems to be distinct terrains.


Choreography by John Jasperse
in collaboration with performers: Maggie Cloud, Simon Courchel, Burr Johnson, & Stuart Singer
Score Composed by: Jonathan Bepler
Live music for the premiere performed by: Mick Barr, Jonathan Bepler, Eric Hubel, & Megan Schubert
Lighting & Visual Design: John Jasperse and Lenore Doxsee
Manager & Lighting Director: Sarah Lurie
Dramaturgical Assistance: Ariel Osterweis
Development Assistance: Christiana Axelsen

Project Funders
Within between is commissioned by the American Dance Festival (with support from the Doris Duke/SHS Foundations Award for New Dance) and New York Live Arts (with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and contributors to the Dance Theater Workshop Commissioning Fund). The work is made possible by the support of the MAP Fund, a project of Creative Captial; New Music USA’s Commissioning Music USA and Live Music for Dance Programs; James Robison Foundation; Peter S. Reed Foundation; Mertz Gilmore Foundation Late Stage Production Fund; the Harkness Foundation for Dance; the New York State Council on the Arts; the National Endowment for the Arts; and the NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs. Portions of the work were developed during a Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Process Space residency on Govenor’s Island in Spring 2013. Portions of the work were developed during a residency at the American Dance Institute in Rockville, MD.

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