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Night of 100 Solos: A Centennial Event Celebrating Merce Cunningham

Night of 100 Solos: A Centennial Event Celebrating Merce Cunningham


Merce Cunningham Centennial


BAM Howard Gilman Opera House
30 Lafayette Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217


Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 7:30pm



Merce Cunningham Centennial

“Dance is most deeply concerned with each single instant as it comes along, and its life and vigor and attraction lie in just that singleness.”
—Merce Cunningham

Over the span of his 70-year career, choreographer Merce Cunningham developed a repertoire of nuanced movement and effortless precision. Known for his experimentalism and dexterous use of both chance and control, he left behind a substantial oeuvre when he died in 2009. The Merce Cunningham Centennial commemorates what would be the 100th birthday of the esteemed choreographer in this one-night event, staged concurrently at BAM, the Barbican in London, and UCLA’s Center for the Art of Performance. With live music and special set design, 25 dancers on each stage perform 100 solos drawn from more than seven decades of Cunningham’s work. The selections range in length from 30 seconds to four minutes, and include more than a dozen of his own solos.

Reflecting Cunningham’s embrace of technology and the Merce Cunningham Trust’s commitment to accessibility, Night of 100 Solos will be streamed live online. For more information about the centennial celebration, visit mercecunningham.org.

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