Pachamama - first work in progress!

June 15 2013
PACHAMAMA: Mother World.A dance theater creation inspired by indigenous tribes of South America. Primal impulses: communication, identity, ritual.
Saturday, June 15 at 8pm
at CPR ( Center for Performance Research)
361 Manhattan Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Admission: 5.
Purchase your tickets HERE
'Pachamama' will look at the ritualistic similarities between two geographically different cultures: Native Americans and South American Natives. The division line between Ritual and Performance blurs, necessitating further research into the history of these Native American rituals, becoming both an anthropologic study and a creation of Dance Theater.
Choreography: Anabella Lenzu
Assistant to the Choreographer: Lauren Ohmer
Music: Todd Carroll
Acting & Vocal Coach: Daniel Pettrow
Dancers: Lauren Ohmer, Macy Sullivan, Anthony Rosado, Paulina Espinosa, Or Reitman and Alice Pucheu.
Apprentices: Carmen Caceres & Elizabeth Weinstein.
Pachamama is sponsored, in part, by the greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).
This performance was developed at DMAC through a space/rehearsal grant to Anabella Lenzu and Envoy Enterprises/ Jimi Dams
and funded in part by generous grants from Edward Foundation Arts Fund, MATERIALS FOR THE ARTS, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs/NYC Department of Sanitation/NYC Department of Education and private donations.