Pagbabalik: Tracing the Path Home

La MaMa
"Pagbabalik: Tracing the Path Home" by Kinding Sindaw, the New York-based southern Philippine performance troupe, entwines a contemporary story of the modern Philipines with a dramatic adaptation of the third chapter of the epic Derangen. The Derangen is a Mindanao epic shared by the Maranao, Maguindanao and Iranun tribes of the southern Philippines which celebrates episodes from regional history and stories of the tribulations of mythical heroes. This splendorous new work of dance theater is conceived and directed by Potri Ranka Manis, the daughter of a Sultan of the Maranao people of Mindanao, a true modern-day princess and tradition-bearer. La MaMa E.T.C. will present the piece April 24 to 27 in its Ellen Stewart Theatre, 66 East Fourth Street.
Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 PM
Thursday, April 24: Gala performance to benefit Kalusugan Coalition, an organization that helps Philippine immigrants in New York. Tickets $40.
Friday, April 25: Benefit for Kinding Sindaw, tickets $30
Regular performances Saturday, April 26 and Sunday, April 27: $25 general admission, $20 seniors and students.