
Touch Theory Dance Compnay
This February 2014, Touch Theory Dance Company will be hosting an evening of work entitled “Pandemonium,” a contact ballet at the Hartley House Theater in New York City. The Hartley House is an 18th Century Victorian mansion with an indoor theater located near Times Square. In order to afford costumes, event insurance, a lighting designer, and theater rental, we need your support.
The February Show “Pandemonium,” is a work over two years in the making. The work is a reflection of the growth of the company. “From the very beginning of our inception we knew we wanted to tell this story…” – Jen Montoya choreographer. The thematic inspiration for the show is loosely based off John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Pandemonium itself is the name of the home the demon Muleciber constructed for Lucifer and his followers.
In our version of the tale we borrow mythos from the story of Narcissus and Echo. We have God and the Devil in a very passionate relationship until one day God realizes that his truest love is himself so he creates man in his image. A love triangle evolves between the Devil, God, and man which sends their home into a state of chaos. The work is a study of relationships; the way they can be put on a pedestal and the way they sometimes fail. In this work, we use a pallet of organic contact to explore and create the architecture of our world. To some, Pandemonium means chaos and to others it is the place called home…
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