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Parents Who Dance celebrates 10th Anniversary

Parents Who Dance celebrates 10th Anniversary


Parents Who Dance


Brooklyn Arts Exchange
421 Fifth Avenue


Friday, June 24, 2016 - 8:00pm
Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 8:00pm



Parents Who Dance

To mark their 10th anniversary of working together, Parents Who Dance will hold celebratory performances of works at Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX), 421 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY on Friday & Saturday, June 24 & 25, 2016 at 8pm.

Parents Who Dance is a group of women who celebrate the accomplishments of dancers and choreographers, and demonstrate that aging does not limit creativity and expression.

Dancers/Choreographers Jessica Ames, Barbara Canner, Shawna Kent, Dalienne Majors, Laura Staton and Tomomi Imai have performed in NYC dance venues including 92nd Street Y, Spoke the Hub, Berkeley Carroll School, Soundance, Brooklyn Arts Exchange, and Gibney Dance. Additionally two commissioned works by veteran choreographer Elizabeth Keen will be performed on the program.

The June performance will include Gaggle by Jessica Ames with music by contemporary composer Arlene Sierra; Sense and Nonsense, with music by Ligeti and a new work, Silken Sorrow, by Elizabeth Keen;Baigneuses Regardant un Avion, inspired by a Picasso painting by Dalienne Majors with music by Kurt Weil performed by accordionists Liora Codor and Denise R. Koncelik; Duet, with music by Mendelssohn andNick's Class List, both choreographed by Shawna Kent. Lighting and technical direction by BAX Tech Director Emma Rivera.

This production is being presented through BAX's Visitors Program, a subsidized performance package rental program, and is a self-production by Parents Who Dance.


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