Park Avenue Armory presents "Scripted Space: The Art of Philippe Parreno," a participative installation

Park Avenue Armory
Park Avenue Armory invites parents and children to participate in interactive art-making workshops in our historic rooms. Drawing upon the Armory’s castle-like setting and unique programmatic offerings, these programs are offered monthly during the school year and designed to spark the imagination of children of all ages. Tickets must be purchased in advance for all children and adults that are attending.
Scripted Space: The Art of Philippe Parreno
June 13 at 10:00am
Suggested Age: Families with children ages 6-12
Become immersed in the work of visual artist Philippe Parreno, who fuses sound—both recorded and performed live — with film, light, collaborations, apparitions, and memory to guide and manipulate the viewer's experience. Participants will experience the installation and create their own "scripted space" with the help of Armory teaching artists.