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Peridance Contemporary Dance Company seeks Grant Assistant

Peridance Contemporary Dance Company seeks Grant Assistant


Peridance Contemporary Dance Company


Thursday, October 15, 2015 - 12:00pm daily through October 31, 2015



Peridance Contemporary Dance Company

Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, a New York City-based non-profit dance company, is seeking an experienced person to assist with completing and submitting government grant applications including NEA, DCA, and NYSCA.

Assistants will not need to write the grant proposals, but help with filling out data online and be in communication with our hired grant writer and the Company's Executive Director.

Grant Assistant will be compensated with free dance classes at Peridance Capezio Center.

Interested applicants should submit a detailed resume and cover letter reflecting experience to yarden@peridance.com with the subject line: PCDC GRANT ASSISTANT.

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