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Physical Listening, A Dancer’s Interspecies Journey

Physical Listening, A Dancer’s Interspecies Journey


The Equus Project


New York,USA


Wednesday, December 22, 2021 - 12:00am

The Equus Project

I would be delighted to share with you, Physical Listening, A Dancer’s Interspecies Journey.


My nonfiction book delves deep into my choreographic work with The Equus Projects, devising interspecies dance performances with local equestrians and their horses throughout the United States and in Sweden. Through the creative process of training dancers to work with equine partners, I’ve discovered more about life, love and leadership than I could have ever anticipated.


Physical Listening, A Dancer’s Interspecies Journey is organized as a chronological logging of the development of our work with horses, with descriptions of how Equus dancers train to work with equine partners and how the horsemanship translates into a unique approach to making dances as well as navigating embodied research.


Physical Listening will offer inspiring reading for your students: The book follows the trajectory of a unique dance career, describes innovative choreographic strategies and on-going interdisciplinary projects. Each chapter ends with lesson plans for varied physical listening somatic practises. As educators, perhaps you are hoping to inspire your students to take their curiosities and passions into innovative directions. 


I’ve included a press release and links to more materials below. Moreover, I’ve attached a fact sheet with more information on the book and about my work.

I’m looking forward to any questions or comments regarding The Equus Projects and Physical Listening.


Thank you,
JoAnna Mendl Shaw


PRESS:  Physical Listening, A Dancer’s Interspecies Journey

LINK To Order: https://www.equus-onsite.org/getphysicallistening

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