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"Pointe of Departure" ...a NYC Season of Contemporary Ballet


Cherylyn Lavagnino Dance and Vicky Virgin


Baryshnikov Arts Center's Howard Gilman Performance Space


Saturday, June 27, 2009 - 8:00pm
Sunday, June 28, 2009 - 2:00pm



Cherylyn Lavagnino Dance and Vicky Virgin

Contemporary ballet choreographers Vicky Virgin and Cherylyn Lavagnino will share a New York City Season entitled “Pointe of Departure†at Baryshnikov Arts Center on June 27th and 28th . Vicky Virgin will present her 2007 ballet titled Salt Lake, a New Ballet in 3 Acts and Cherylyn Lavagnino Dance will present three ballets, two of which will be world premieres. As a shared NYC Season “Pointe of Departure†will focus on how Virgin and Lavagnino, two stylistically different choreographers, take on the genre of contemporary ballet. Lavagnino’s style is lyrical and fluid while Virgin’s is theatrical and experimental. In a field dominated by male choreographers, these women will present two important feminine interpretations of the art of contemporary ballet.

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