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The Rover


The Rover Soho


Friday, August 27, 2010 - 8:00pm
Saturday, August 28, 2010 - 8:00pm
Sunday, August 29, 2010 - 8:00pm

The Rover

 Call for Artists for QuikSnap--a brand new kind of show at The Rover happening August 27-29, 2010,8pm. Yes...that is in three weeks. 

QuikSnap - a challenge. What kind of beautiful gem can you create at The Rover with three weeks of preparation? Six burgeoning artists will receive 6 free hours of rehearsal space at The Rover, prior to a three evening performance at the same venue. Seeking Dance (Choreographers), Performance Artists, Musicians, Video Art, and Theater, Photographers, Site Specific Work for a Roof, Film --all are welcome and encouraged to apply. It is free to submit, free to rehearse, free to perform. What could be a better opportunity? 

How To Apply - 
Contact Submit@TheRoverSoho.com with information: short bio, what medium you are working with, links or pics of your most recent work, and what you are planning to do. Collaborative works are highly suggested, not a must, but favorable. If you have a great idea, but need a musician, tell us. If you have a video work but need a performance artist to congeal your idea, tell us. Tell me, and The Rover, and we will hook you up. This is an effort to bring together a diverse group of audience and artists. 

Deadline for your brilliance to reach our ears: 
Thursday, Aug 12, 5pm. Six artists will be chosen and contacted by 3pm on Friday, Aug 13. At that time you will be able to schedule your 6 hours of rehearsal, and begin your process. You are NOT limited to 6 hours of prep, nor are you limited to rehearsing at The Rover. 

The Rover is challenging you to think with no limitation. Get ingenious. Get witty. Get BRAVE. You bring the ART, The Rover brings the space and the opportunity. It's a beautiful partnership.

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