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RACE: TBD by Holly Bass (In-process preview) Work In Progress

RACE: TBD by Holly Bass (In-process preview)


New York Live Arts


219 W 19th St.
New York, NY 10011


Friday, May 1, 2020 - 6:00pm



New York Live Arts

RACE: TBD is a dance about gentrification, staged as a sporting event. Holly Bass first launched the RACE: performance series  in Washington, DC to highlight cultural losses related to the city’s declining black population. This new iteration focuses on Chelsea and Hudson Yards in New York City, particularly the use of eminent domain to redevelop areas of the city, and shifting definitions of “public space” and “affordable housing.” In its  original format, the performance begins with a tailgate party, complete with superfans decked out in team colors, loud music, food and drinks, followed by the audience making its way to the sidelines as two racers perform a series of challenges. With both live performances and sporting events on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the artists have regrouped to focus on creating work within the architecture of Zoom and Facebook, and to ask the question: what does home mean when we have nowhere else to go? RSVP here.

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