Raja Feather Kelly | THE FEATH3R THEORY presents Andy Warhol's "Tropico"
Raja Feather Kelly | THE FEATH3R THEORY
Raja Feather Kelly | THE FEATH3R THEORY
Andy Warhol's Tropico
Thursday, June 2 - Saturday, June 4
Tropico is choreographed and directed by Raja Feather Kelly and performed by Kelly his dance theater company, THE FEATH3R THEORY.
Andy Warhol said, "It's the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it." In Tropico, Kelly questions if this is true.
Loosely-inspired by Lana Del Rey's short film of a similar name, Tropico explores Kelly's relationship to pop-culture as he attempts to demystify pop-culture's relationship to humanity. The performers find themselves lost in a surreal, cartoonist landscape. The characters, each constellations of archetypes from television, movies, and children's stories, seek refuge from the same Warhol-inspired pop-art-world they created.
Performers: Collin Ranf, Amy Gernux, Rachel Pritzlaff, Shaina Branfman, Aaron Moses Robin, Sara Gurevich, Raja Feather Kelly, Yeman Brown, Beth Graczyk, Bryan Strimpel, Nik Owens, Rebecca Hite, John Gutierrez
Lighting Design: Tuce Yasak
Video Design: Laura Snow
[Photo: EP Falck/Effyography]
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