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Research Lab Directed by Nita Little & JoAnna Mendl Shaw

Research Lab Directed by Nita Little & JoAnna Mendl Shaw


Research Lab: Directed by Nita Little & JoAnna Mendl Shaw


To Be Announced
New York City, NY 10012


Monday, November 23, 2015 - 9:00am
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - 9:00am
Wednesday, November 25, 2015 - 9:00am



Research Lab: Directed by Nita Little & JoAnna Mendl Shaw

Research Lab Directed by Nita Little & JoAnna Mendl Shaw

New York City

November 23,24,25

Shaping the experiential into legible, elegant and dynamic choreography?

An investigation of the compositional scoring mechanisms that orchestrate improvised performance work

Nita Little brings a lifetime of professional investigation and creation from inside and outside Contact Improvisation
JoAnna Mendl Shaw brings a repertory of innovative scoring mechanisms used when choreographing with equine partners.


12 hours, $100





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Nita Little - Master teacher, currently on the faculty at University of Florida, Gainesville, Little engages in an investigation of the dynamic aspects of embodied states through performance, pedagogy, and theoretical inquiry. A touring dance artist specializing in improvisational forms, she introduces ideas of embodiment as the ecological articulation of presence, the physicality of directed attention, and the flexibility of self-sensing that makes moving important to knowing different forms of intelligence. A PhD in Performance Studies (2014) from the University of California, Davis, her dissertation (Articulating Presence: Creative Actions of Embodied Attention in Contemporary Dance) further develops the theory and practice of this material. 


JoAnna Mendl Shaw – Choreographer and master teacher , Shaw is the Artistic Director of The Equus Projects, a dance company that creates site works which bring humans and horses into shared landscapes. Through her investigation of the kinetic dialogue between human and equine, Shaw has developed a Physical Listening practice that brings movers into  heightened states of attending and a unique choreographic process that challenges movers to work with real time decision-making within the context of complex movement material. Shaw has taught Juilliard, Ailey, NYU/Tisch and is currently a touring artist, traveling the States and in Europe creating site-specific performance projects with and without equines.

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