Gather a group of folks for projectLIMB’s latest work SCILENCE, almost 2 years in the making. SCILENCE combines alien cults, transgenic hip hop pigs, cloning youth groups, and our signature blend of dance, theatre, and poetry. Join us this Halloween weekend as we enter into the bizzarely true world of biotechnology. Tickets are 5. To reserve seats e-mail or call 718-594-7824 with the date and number of tickets.
projectLIMB is Benjamin Asriel, Loren Dempster, Gabriel Forestieri, Adrian Jevicki, Emily Moore, Margaret Paek
Saturday November 1st - 8pm - Join us for a panel discussion following the show
Sunday November 2nd - 2pm - Bring your kids!
"The whole privatization of the biological world has to be looked at so we don't suddenly all find ourselves in the position of saying, 'How did we get here? Everything is owned.' " Stuart Newman