Sugar and Bruno
We have had so many dancers contact us and tell us how bad they wanted to attend our Summer Camp but with the present economy they just couldn't do it ....sooooooo
We have decided to apply some Sugarandbrunomics and make this experience affordable to everyone. SUGAR and BRUNO SUMMER DANCE CAMP 2009 NEW & IMPROVED Dancers Stimulus Package Monday, July 13th - Wednseday July 15th 00.00 per day , you pick -or- 50.00 for all 3 days
The choreographers are Lacey Schwimmer, Keltie Colleen, Chelsie Hightower, Tokyo, Zandra, and Double Up Dance Group at the camp!
It is now going to be held at HOLLYWOOD CHEER AND GYMNASTICS 9325 Uptown Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46256
4.5 Hours from Detroit
4.5 Hours from St. Louis
3 Hours from Chicago
2 Hours From Dayton
2 Hours from Louisville
2 Hours from Cincinnati
30 min. from Downtown Indy
It's Going to be out of this WORLD... 3 DAY SUMMER CAMP. THE BEST FACULTY. S&B APPAREL. LOTSA FUN. AGES 8 & Up Questions? call us - 1-800-875-8559 email us - or, go to and click on the S&B Summer Camp on the left of the page, in the home menu.
Thanks and we hope to see you there!! S&B