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Sans Limites Dance Male Submissions

Sans Limites Dance Male Submissions


Sans Limites Dance


New York, New York


Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 8:00pm
Saturday, January 31, 2015 - 8:00pm

Sans Limites Dance

Sans Limites Dance is searching for a male dancers on a rolling basis. 

SLD looks for dancers with a strong ballet foundation and an advanced/professional level of modern & contemporary dance technique.

If interested in being a SLD Company Member, please send an e-mail to info@sanslimitesdance.com with a Headshot, BIO, Resume & Dance Reel with the Subject Line “SLD November Audition—First & Last Name”. After evaluating all submissions, Sans Limites Dance will invite prospective dancers to a SLD Company Rehearsal to be further evaluated.

COMPENSATION: SLD compensates Company Members with Performance Stipends & will be providing Rehearsal Stipends in the near future.

Sans Limites Dance looks forward to your submission!


Watch our Youtube reel!


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