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Snug Harbor's Performing Arts Salon Series: Kyle Marshall Choreography Presents "Gay" (Work-In-Progress)

Snug Harbor's Performing Arts Salon Series: Kyle Marshall Choreography Presents "Gay" (Work-In-Progress)


Kyle Marshall Choreography


Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
1000 Richmond Ter
Staten Island, NY 10301


Saturday, June 1, 2024 - 2:00pm



Kyle Marshall Choreography

Kyle Marshall Choreography (KMC) is a dance company that sees the dancing body as a container of history, an igniter of social reform, and a site of celebration. The company concludes its monthlong residency at Snug Harbor, CDI’s host partner in Staten Island, with a work-in-progress studio showing of its new project.

Gay is a duet on eternal love set to Julius Eastman’s “Gay Guerrilla” (1979), a brooding song of undulating pulses that surround the listener. Julius Eastman (1940-1990) was a proudly gay, Black American composer, pianist, vocalist, and dancer who died in relative obscurity, and has gained recognition posthumously for his pioneering contributions to the classical avant-garde. 

This work-in-progress showing is co-presented by the CUNY Dance Initiative (CDI), an expansive program providing New York City choreographers and dance companies with residencies on CUNY college campuses. www.cuny.edu/danceinitiative

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