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Spring Benefit Party/Performance


Above and Beyond Dance


Murray Street Studio


Sunday, May 31, 2009 - 6:00pm



Above and Beyond Dance

Above and Beyond Dance is hosting its Spring Benefit Party and Performance on Sunday, May 31 at 6pm at Murray Street Studio.  19 Murray Street, between Church and Broadway in Lower Manhattan.  The evening includes drinks, hors d'oeuvres, a silent auction and a performance of the company's trademark fusion of dance and circus arts work.  All proceeds will support ASCENDANCE, the company's Fall season at The Flea Theater. 

Benefit tickets are 5. 

For reservations, call (917) 974-7216
or email info@AboveAndBeyondDance.com.

* If you cannot attend, but would like to participate in the silent auction.  Bidding is open online:  http://www.aboveandbeyonddance.com/company/auction2009.htm

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