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Submit Your Dance Films to ODDFEST 2023 for FREE (DEADLINE: MAY 1)

Submit Your Dance Films to ODDFEST 2023 for FREE (DEADLINE: MAY 1)


One Day Dance


Spoke the Hub
New York, NY


Sunday, April 30, 2023 - 12:00am daily through April 1, 2023



One Day Dance

One Day Dance is excited to invite you to submit for ODDFEST, our annual dance film festival. Through this initiative, we create a platform for 12 choreographers to showcase their work on film. We are proud to offer this opportunity free of application fees for artists in an effort to make our opportunities accessible to all. We are accepting applications worldwide and are excited to share your work with our NYC community. 

Applications for ODDFEST 2023 are open until May 1st. We can't wait to see what you have been working on!

Visit our website to complete our quick application. 

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