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Thursday, July 11, 2013 - 11:00am

Buglisi's Table of Silence returns to Lincoln Center on 9/11

Conceived by choreographer Jacqulyn Buglisi and visual artist Rossella Vasta
Over 100 Dancers, including the Buglisi Dance Theatre, will appear in this 9/11 tribute
Performance starts at 8:15 AM and concludes precisely at 8:46 AM
At the Revson Fountain, Josie Robertson Plaza, Lincoln Center, Columbus & 64th Street
Free Admission
Information: 212.719.3301

 "The Table of Silence Proect represents the common threads of humanity which unite all mankind into a single force with common goals and aspirations regardless of race, culture, or religion.  Through this event, we wish to achieve the dual purpose of celebrating and honoring peace, through listening, a united moment of silence - a call for Peace in our world."  
                                                                                                                   - Jacqulyn Buglisi
Jacqulyn Buglisi and Buglisi Dance Theatre are honored to have been invited by Lincoln Center to return for a third presentation of the transcendent  "Table of Silence Project 9/11," a public tribute to 9/11 and prayer for peace, conceived by choreographer Jacqulyn Buglisi and Italian artist Rosella Vasta. Performance will take place Wednesday September 11, beginning at 8:15 AM and concluding at 8:46 AM, the moment when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower.
In partnership with Dance/NYC and the September Concert, Buglisi Dance Theatre brings together over 100 dancers to gather in silent procession, forming patterns of concentric circles to create a peace labyrinth while encircling the Revson Fountain as a symbol of eternity, compassion and continuity of the life cycle. At 8:46, the dancers will turn their wrists with open palms and extend their arms to the sky for one minute, evoking the simple gesture of universal peace. Spectators are invited to join them in this ritual.

A live stream broadcast via the internet will once again be available. Last year's tribute was viewed in 25 countries around the world, including by ou
r troops in Afghanistan.
Buglisi's "Table of Silence Project 9/11" has inspired numerous similar events around the world in the past two years, including: Syracuse University's Wall of Remembrance in tribute to the thirty-five Syracuse University students who lost their lives in the 1988 Pan Am 103 bombing over Lockerbie; Cathedral San Rufino Square in Assisi, Italy as part of a gathering of religious leaders welcomed by Pope Benedict XVI on the 25th anniversary of a day-long prayer for peace, initiated in 1986 by Pope John Paul II amid Cold War conflicts; Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Event in NYC, to bring awareness to the fight against human trafficking; Film Presentations at the Global Summit 2012 in London, and the Cardinal Stritch University at the presentation to Rossella Vasta of a Doctor of Humane Letters Honorary Degree.

Endorsements and Support:
Mayor Claudio Ricci of Assisi granted the patronage of UNESCO World Heritage in recognition of The Table of Silence Project 9/11 at Lincoln Center; Jody and John Arn
hold, The Arnhold Foundation; Teresa Heinz and the Heinz Family Foundation; Caroline Howard Hyman and Edward S. Hyman, Jr.; public funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. Sponsorship for the iconic Table of Silence terracotta plates is generously provided by Bizzirri Ceramic Factory (www.bizzirri.it) and for the 100 mantels for the dancers by Alessandro Gherardi, Citta di Castello - Perugia, Italy.

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