Take Root presents Brush/Mcgrath (works) and Brynne Billingsley & Artists

Brush/Mcgrath (works) and Brynne Billingsley & Artists
Take Root Presents Brush/Mcgrath (works) and Brynne Billingsley & Artists
May 18th and 19th
Advance sale tickets: $15 online at www.GreenSpaceStudio.org
Tickets purchased at door: $20 cash, $22 credit card
About the Work
This new work expands on Brush and McGrath's previous duet, "A Template for Stasis," which introduced ideas of entropy and disorder. These are normally considered negative concepts, but as systems and patterns dissolve, new conditions are created for new designs. By adding three dancers, Breckyn Drescher, Genna Mattana, and Katie Skinner, the multiplicity of events is raised in increasingly complex ways which would be impossible with only two dancers. The creation of this new iteration of the dance was made possible by the subsidized space program at Mark Morris Dance Group and individual donors.
Brynne Billingsley & Artists presents Felt Shift, a meditation on the internal architecture of thought. Billingsley weaves unpredictable pattern with moments of vulnerability. At points hypnotic, dancers crash through space like waves against a shoreline. A cinematic vision of human strength and resilience, Felt Shift offers a possibility of endless images. Felt Shift will be performed by Amy Larson, Maya Orchin, and Brynne Billingsley with music by Tim Hecker. Felt Shift was commissioned in 2016 by Women in Motion and was created in part through the Triskelion Arts Space Subsidy Program made possible with support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and through the generous support of Dragon's Egg Studio.
Photo credits: Jordan McGrath (Brush/McGrath (works)) / Brynne Billingsley.
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