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The CUNY Dance Initiative (CDI) presents Mark Gindick

The CUNY Dance Initiative (CDI) presents Mark Gindick


Mark Gindick


Gerald W. Lynch Theater at John Jay College
524 W 59th St
New York, NY


Friday, September 25, 2015 - 8:00pm


FREE / www.jjay.cuny.edu/gerald-w-lynch-theater

Mark Gindick

Mark Gindick

Gerald W. Lynch Theater at John Jay College

Open rehearsal: September 25, time TBA

FREE / www.jjay.cuny.edu/gerald-w-lynch-theater


A professional actor, dancer, writer and clown, Mark Gindick has performed with Ringling Bros. and the Big Apple Circus, and was featured in the PBS award-winning documentary CIRCUS! He also dances with Doug Elkins. For this open rehearsal, Gindick will show excerpts from his show Wing-Man, a laugh-out-loud, hilarious, and surprisingly poignant “one-clown” physical comedy show that explores our obsession with social media.

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