The Dress : Story by Linda Tarnay

Join us for Movement Research at Judson Church
I hope all are planning to come see this new work in progress with the glorious Linda Tarnay....
Join us for Movement Research at Judson Church
The Dress
Story by Linda Tarnay
a collaboration with choreographer Naomi Goldberg Haas/Dances For A Variable Population and composer Jascha Narveson
Performed by Liz Beres, Sarah Donnelly, Erika Frankel, Lena Gilbert, Jamie Graham, Katherine Moore, Kaitlin Morse, Allie Pfeffer, Nellie Rainwater, Maggie Ronan, Samantha Siegal, Jeramy Zimmerman and Linda Tarnay
Thank you to Sandy Broyard and Alison Manning for their initial work with the support of The Yard and Judy Grunberg at PS 21 in summer 2012!
Monday, February 25
8:00 PM
Doors open at 7:45 come early for seating!
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
(between Thompson and Sullivan Streets)
Free of charge
The performance will also include work by Koosil-ja, Chris Aiken & Ray Chung, Katia Castaneda Urzua
Also in February join our
Interactive Dance Workshops
Celebrating wellness, community and the joys of dance for adults of all ages on the Upper West Side, in Harlem and in Chelsea.