The Proletariat Tales
Save the date for the world premiere of "The Proletariat Tales," an evening-long show created by Jessica Danser featuring live music by Karl Schwarz and performances by Noele Phillips, Kristin Dexnis, Natafa Doujan, Amin Jai, and Jenna Steiner. The human relationship to work is explored through dance-theater to a palate of blues music, philosophical texts, work songs, and hip hop. Does work define us or merely act as a vehicle to move us through life? Is the individual a cog in the machine, or a unique entity? Do our occupations strengthen us spiritually, or deplete us?
The full-length
performance is one
night only,
Saturday, May 4 at
8pm, at BAAD!
Tickets 0, 0 for
groups of 5 or
more (must arrive together), high
school students
841 Baretto St, Bronx NY 2nd Fl
6 train to HuntsPoint
For tickets and information about both shows.
Hope to see you there!