This June, Shen Tao Studio is honored to present two new workshops...
Mind in Motion and Body Work for Couples
This June, Shen Tao Studio is honored to present two new workshops...WORKSHOP: MIND IN MOTION
Saturday, June 23
Have you ever gotten frustrated with your body for not understanding an exercise, a dance phrase, or a movement pattern?
It's not your body's fault!
It's the mind's responsibility to communicate in a compelling and effective way - such that the body wants to learn.
This workshop will give you explicit mental/physical techniques and tools, guerenteed to improve your performance.
Topics of focus will include:
• Neuro-linguistics (the role of language in our minds).
• Self-hypnosis (shifting from cognitive intelligence to somatic intelligence)
• Attention vs. intention
• Entrainment (establishing rhythm within the body to shift states of attention)
• Visualization (associated vs. dissociated imagery)
Click here to register for this workshop.
Friday, June 29
Would you like your partner to be more effective at touching you?
Touch can be intimate, therapeutic, and anywhere in between.
This workshop will offer specific hands-on techniques including useing the fingers, elbows, and knees to work on any part of the body.
In addition to touch skills, we will focus on the mind's role in giving and receiving bodywork - including how to think and communicate with your partner for their benefit, as well as your own.
Click here to register for this workshop.