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Triskelion Arts Presents... Adriane Lee & Kathy Wasik

Triskelion Arts Presents... Adriane Lee & Kathy Wasik


Triskelion Arts


Triskelion Arts, 106 Calyer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222


Saturday, February 7, 2015 - 8:00pm
Sunday, February 8, 2015 - 8:00pm



Triskelion Arts

Triskelion Arts Presents... Adriane Lee & Kathy Wasik

Saturday and Sunday, February 7 - 8, 2015

8pm at Triskelion Arts’ Muriel Schulman Theater*

106 Calyer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222

(enter on Banker Street)

*LOCATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please visit triskelionarts.org for updated information.

TICKETS: $16 -- www.brownpapertickets.com/event/875980

Triskelion Arts is pleased to present a shared program featuring innovative choreographers, Adriane Lee and Kathy Wasik, this February in the Muriel Schulman Theater. Simultaneous structures of broad generalization and acute detail are built and destroyed in Adriane Lee’s latest work. Convoluted psychologies are layered with a distanced observation of what simply is. Dancers Rebecca Arends, Kyle Gerry, and Pareena Lim forge a pre-technological and possibly pre-verbal moment of sensorial experience.

Join Kathy Wasik in an archaeological dig, an excavation of the dancers’ movement histories. As Faux Fur uncovers kinesthetic, manneristic, and emotional layers, it demonstrates that certain structures have persisted over time. So, how does this persistence connect to the ephemerality of dance? Do certain movements prevail while others dissipate? What is passed from dancer to audience member? What might remain after the dancers exit the stage? Wasik is interested in a logic of feeling and the paradoxical nature of such an idea. Her dances emerge from an emotional yet mathematical place, one both messy and precise. Faux Fur charts a complicated path between movements as disparate as the pas de bourrée and the Electric Slide. Wasik’s attempts to reconcile her performers’ distinct dance histories results in complicated questions about the nature of unison dancing.  How different can two movements be and still be perceived as synchronized? How do separate entities mix and come apart again? What points exist between these two extremes? Performed by Alessandra Larson and Kathy Wasik, with an original sound score by Ethan Frederick Greene and lighting design by Andrew Dickerson.

Photo by Janelle Jones.

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