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Triskelion Arts Presents... "glacier sister" by Lydia Mokdessi & Emie Hughes

Triskelion Arts Presents... "glacier sister" by Lydia Mokdessi & Emie Hughes


Triskelion Arts


Triskelion Arts' Muriel Schulman Theater
Brooklyn, NY 11222


Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 8:00pm
Friday, May 5, 2017 - 8:00pm



Triskelion Arts

Triskelion Arts Presents... Lydia Mokdessi & Emie Hughes

glacier sister

May 4 - 5, 2017 at 8pm

Triskelion Arts’ Muriel Schulman Theater

106 Calyer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222 – Enter on Banker Street

Tickets: $16 in advance, $20 at the door

Purchase HERE

Triskelion Arts is pleased to present glacier sister, an experimental duet between longtime collaborators Emie Hughes and Lydia Mokdessi. Featuring sound composition by musician Ben Wagner, the work explores modes of improvisation, embodiment, and spontaneous composition with the topics of seeing and being seen, agency and mindful submission, female kinship, energetic bodies, subtle leadership, and unplanned emergence of content. The duo’s process is centered around a shared vocabulary of physical scores, verbal dialogues, and rituals. Their early research relates to historically female-associated spiritual practices and the connection of the human body to earthly phenomena (attempts to sense and embody rising sea levels, tectonic plates, electromagnetic energy). Mokdessi and Hughes allow research topics to inform their scores without attaching to outcome, and are developing a shared decision-making practice as a method of training sensitivity to desire and mutual intuition, and attempting to model a radical form of deep togetherness.

Photo by Hannah Coleman


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