Two Workshops facilitated by K.J. Holmes

K.J. Holmes
Infinite Affinities
An 8 week one night a week workshop improvising with the music of our fluids
Taught by K.J. Holmes
Through the School for Contemporary Dance and Thought (ZOOM)
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Tuesday evenings January 5, 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16, 2 6-7:30 p.m. EST
To register:
This 8 class intensive workshop for dancers, musicians, actors and performance artists will explore movement, sound, image and text through entering into the physiology of different fluid states that the body holds as vibration and inner musicality. We will play with amplifying resonation, tone and sound currents in solo as well as improvising ensemble scores to create a symphony of improvised movement, sound and words. These studies are based on K.J.’s decades of studies. teachings and performing of different somatic, sonic and sensory modalities.
Students must commit to the full workshop.
Theater of the Body : Somatic Poetics and the Lucid Body
Taught by K.J. Holmes and Precious Jennings
January 11 - 15, 2021. 12 - 1:30pm and 2:30 - 4pm EST
This 5 day intensive is an introduction to experiential embodiment
for actors, dancers, artists, human beings.
The early class, taught by K.J., will be a map to discover and differentiate anatomical and physiological states based on diverse Somatic Practices. We will explore structure, volume, rhythm, tone and our senses and perceptions as a base for expanding our full movement expression.
The later class, taught by Precious, will be an introduction to the basics of Lucid Body (physical acting practice) through a rigorous yoga-based warm-up and exploration of the seven chakra energy centers. These classes will offer a new path into discovering our full emotional range of expression.
*Students must register for the full five days as the relationship between these modalities are essential to the research and development of these forms.
Open to all levels and all creative practices. Limited enrollment. $275, $225 early bird registration by January 1, 2021. Please contact both K.J. and Precious with a letter describing why you are interested in these practices at this time in your life.
Listen to an interview about the worksop HERE.
Image by William Glasspiegel of HIC SVNT DRACONES by K.J. Holmes 1/16 Mana Contemporary Chicago Amelia Charter dancer