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"Whale Fall" by Performance AIRspace Resident mayfield brooks in collaboration with Everett Saunders and Suzi Sadler

"Whale Fall" by Performance AIRspace Resident mayfield brooks in collaboration with Everett Saunders and Suzi Sadler


The Abrons Arts Center




Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 7:30pm daily through April 17, 2021



The Abrons Arts Center

Dear Friends,

We warmly invite you to join us next week for the virtual premiere of Whale Fall, a video work from Performance AIRspace Resident mayfield brooks in collaboration with composer Everett Saunders and cinematographer Suzi Sadler.

A “whale fall” describes the process of a whale’s decomposition after it dies and falls to the ocean floor, where it provides vital nutrients for deep-sea creatures.

With no theater lights, no sets, and no narrative brooks considers how a sperm whale's life of darkness, codas, echolocations, and vertical slumbering can choreograph this time of grief. In this video work, they ask: What can a barren theater teach me? How does a Black artist dance in the abyss? How can I decompose this show?

Whale Fall premieres starting Thursday, April 15 at 7:30 PM ET, and runs through Saturday, April 17. Click here to watch a short trailer.

Plus, brooks will take over the Abrons Instagram for an Instagram Live Artist Talk to discuss Whale Fall's conception and development with various collaborators. Be sure to tune in on Saturday, April 17 at 12 PM ET.

The Abrons Family


Photo by Maria Baranova

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