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Work Up 2.3: Nora Stephens, Randy Reyes/Barrio Cartography & Connor Voss

Work Up 2.3: Nora Stephens, Randy Reyes/Barrio Cartography & Connor Voss


Nora Stephens, Randy Reyes/Barrio Cartography & Connor Voss


Gibney Dance
280 Broadway
New York, NY


Friday, April 15, 2016 - 8:00pm daily through April 16, 2016



Nora Stephens, Randy Reyes/Barrio Cartography & Connor Voss

Work Up 2.3
Nora Stephens, Randy Reyes/Barrio Cartography,
and Connor Voss
Friday, April 15 – Saturday, April 16
8:00 pm in Studio C


Nora Stephens
Living with Trees

Dance can be one of the most social and physically intimate art forms– unless you’re making a solo. Living with Trees is a dance about being alone while being together and being together while being alone. A solo performance that (with audience participation) morphs into a duet, this dance incorporates choreography with clear structured improvisations, humor, and singing to raise questions about loneliness. Exploring the isolation in creating solo performance, the work investigates the social realities of dance and ultimately asks: can audience and performer interaction fulfill a need for companionship?

Randy Reyes/Barrio Cartography
Never Arriving
or (A B C D E – E D C B A)
or † ∞ †

The process is working with the potentiality of the now, of the degrees of consciousness of every/thing. Using a task-oriented meditation improvisational approach, an attempt is made to activate the presence of the body and the traces of its absence. Distance and separation are traversed through energetic exchanges across geographic boundaries. I know what I know. I am intentional about not knowing. I.seriously.DK. Investing in the structure of the score to develop an ecology of being: a body in crisis, an intuitive body, a permeable-ghost body, a present body. What does our structure reveal and what is beyond our body?

Connor Voss
Mayonnaise Pokemon

This work is a collection of decisions that aim to embody a RADICAL UTOPIAN FUTURITY. Funneling the work of queer theorists, afro-futurists, and scholars of desirability politics, our aesthetic choices can support CONCRETE MAGICAL UNITY and destroy the CHOREOGRAPHIES of white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchy. This work uses the strategies of POKEMON training to build a model of power which renders everything a SUBJECT and an OBJECT. We are all media through which power operates, how will you control and be controlled?


[Photo courtesy of Randy Reyes/Barrio Cartography]

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