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Workshops with a Master- Sandy Williams -International Dance Dialogues


Sunday, November 18, 2012 - 7:00am

International Dance Dialogues (IDD) Created and Curated by Janet Panetta International Dance Dialogues (IDD) is a program designed to address the need for New York's developing dance artists to have meaningful interchange with their counterparts and potential mentors from Eastern and Western Europe.


Dec 3-7 2-4PM DANY Studios 305 W 38th St
7. full workshop 8. single
Register at Movement Research , IDD Workshops

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Class description 

We are holograms where each part is a whole. We are quadratic when we answer questions with neither a yes nor a no. We are organized when we drop 00 on the complete Kvissle desk organizer set from Ikea including cable management casket, letter tray and ubiquitous box with cork lid, set of 4. Drawing on my extensive work with Anne Teresa deKeersmaeker's Rosas as well as a host of others, this workshop will take a look what we're doing with all of our dancing stuff. What's my material? What's a tool? Am I building something? Where can i put it? Does that make me a craftsman? Can all of it be laser rendered holographically, smudged in to so many shades of gray or finely dismembered and stored in sleek interlocking cork boxes, set of 4?

Originally from Calgary, Canada, Sandy Williams attended the University of Calgary and Concordia University before relocating to Brussels in 2002 to attend P.A.R.T.S. After completing the first cycle he went on to create his own works (The Kansas City Shuffle) and collaborations with Jan Ritsema (Blindspot, KnowH2ow, Lynda Gaudreau (Document 4), Andros Zins-Brown (Day In / Day Out, Limewire) Michéle Anne De Mey (Sinfonia Eroica) and Deborah Hay (I'll Crane For You). Since 2007 Sandy has been working with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker's Rosas participating in the creations of Zeitung, The Song, En Attendent and Cesena among others.

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