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Your Nutcracker

Your Nutcracker


Sunday, November 25, 2012 - 5:00pm

A Nutcracker honoring Veterans and their families

Exit 12
Nutcracker Performances:


December 2012
A Soldier's Nutcracker


Hoffman Auditorium
1678 Asylum Avenue
University of Saint Joseph 
West Hartford, CT




What Exit 12 Is Thankful For This Holiday Season


Exit 12 is thankful for you


your support,


your commitment,


your service.


Thank you.
 From the Heart of New Mexico to your table.

It's not a Charity... 
It's a challenge. 

For America's newest generation of Veterans and those who support them.

Manufacturer of Stormwater and Septic Chambers 

Celebrating 11 Years of Dancing 

Artistically Excellent, Socially Relevant. 
You have helped us bring our Nutcracker to life and fill it with magic!
Join us for a Veteran-filled Nutcracker
This holiday our Nutcracker is full of service, giving back, and Veterans!
- 15 Professional Dancers from NYC join a great cast of pre-professionals, students, and parents.

- Fun and heartfelt re-imagining of the story to include a deploying Marine and a young girl who loves him.
- Veteran appreciation night, and Veterans join us on stage and in the audience
- Army Rangers rappel into the battle scene from a huge present mountain
- Giving back through community service and Toys for Tots 

Read more about this year's production at CNN.com

Go here to buy tickets (click on the performance day)

Exit 12 subject of CNN's Veterans in Focus 
Iraq Veteran heals through dance - video 
Exit12 on CNN
Exit 12 was privileged to be a part of CNN's Veterans in Focus series that aired on the network several times throughout November. 
If you missed it you can....
Help us continue to serve the community by telling your friends and family about us.

Please consider a donation.
Semper Fidelis.  Always Faithful.




Roman Baca
Exit 12 Dance Company
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