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audition for men and women


johannes wieland


The Ailey Studios


Sunday, June 8, 2008 - 11:00am

johannes wieland

johannes wieland is seeking experienced male and female dancers/performers with strong contemporary/classical technique along with solid partnering and improvisation skills for his international organization. Rehearsals, performances and touring are paid and ongoing commitment begins October 2008.

Auditions are by appointment only on Sunday, June 8, 2008 at The Ailey Studios prior to the final performance of newyou. Dancers should bring a current resume and audition fee of 5. Pre-pay after your registration and receive a discount (0 non-refundable). Be warmed up, ready to move and open to improvisational work that may include speaking, dialogue, etc. Pre-registration is mandatory and closes June 7, 2008. Register today!

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