casting 100 red haired females
johannes wieland
johannes wieland is searching for 100 red haired females for his upcoming premiere of newyou, June 5-8, 2008 at The Ailey Citigroup Theater in New York City. You must have natural or dyed red hair, and/or be willing to dye hair, be 18 years or older, provide your own black dress and black heels and be available for all rehearsals & performances. You may be asked to speak one line of text into a microphone. Dance skills, training or knowledge are not necessary.
May 17th 1:00- 3:30pm, May 31st 1:00- 3:30pm, June 3rd 5:00- 6:00pm, June 4th 5:30– 7:00pm, June 5th 1:30– 3:00pm
June 5th 8:00pm, June 6th 8:00pm, June 7th 8:00pm, June 8th 7:00pm
Register and upload your color headshot today!