"lullaby: an offering/ a cleansing/ a blessing" at Brooklyn Studios for Dance

lisa nevada
lullaby: an offering/a cleansing/a blessing
by lisa nevada
FRI thru MON, november 1st - 4th
at BkSD, 3pm & 6pm daily
$10 donation, Online or at the door
Guided by the land, the building, the wisdom and teachings of Mama Earth and the great Ancestors, nevada will thoughtfully traverse the indoor and outdoor space of Brooklyn Studios for Dance (BkSD) where she will move, sound, and sing an offering of gratitude, a cleansing to restore balance, and a blessing in the form of a migrating lullaby. as BkSD prepares for a hiatus from their current home, the lullaby cycle, with its modulation and repetitive nature, is intended to allow for a departure of the space with good intentions and harmony.
Join nevada in honoring the land and those before us, and the space that has cultivated joy and community by the presence and programming of BkSD over its many years in operation.
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