
Anneke Hansen Dance
Anneke Hansen Dance and The Performance Project @ University Settlement present the world-premiere of youandyouandyou at University Settlement’s 6th Floor Gymnasium in the Lower East Side on November 16-19, 2011.
Making use of University Settlement’s top-floor gymnasium youandyouandyou, a new dance choreographed and performed by Anneke Hansen, explores a movement vocabulary of effort and delicacy. Heavily rooted in the somatic experience of the dancers, Hansen’s choreography seeks to create a sympathetic kinesthetic response in the audience. As individuals working as part of a collective “we,” the dancers seek the emotional resonance of their moving bodies, stretching their minds with movement and pushing the edges of the space. Hansen first conceived the piece when she viewed University Settlement’s gymnasium (with its creaky wooden floor and original detailing) for the first time in 2008. The unique venue gives Hansen the opportunity to work with dance in an environment where it doesn’t usually exist and allows her to explore how art-making is isolated (geographically and socially) from everyday life.
youandyouandyou features dancers Aoife McAtamney, Ariel Pierce, and Anneke Hansen with an original score that will be performed live by composer Nathan Koci, lighting design by Holly Ko, and costumes by Deborah Black. http://annekehansendance.org/
November 16-19, 2011
Wednesday & Thursday @ 8:00pm
Friday & Saturday @ 7:00pm and 9:00pm
University Settlement's 6th Floor Gymnasium
184 Eldridge Street at Rivington Street, Lower East Side
Tickets 2 General Admission ~ 8 for dancers/students
Purchase via Brown Paper Tickets at https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/199075 or over the phone at 1-800-838-3006.
Seating is extremely limited and to reach the gymnasium guests must ascend one flight of stairs. The performance is appropriate for all ages.