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News From Dance/USA: Save The Dates: April 23, MAY 6th, June 17th -19th for Free Arts Bootcamps, Managing Stress from Home, and Dance/USA's 2020 Virtual Conference

News From Dance/USA: Save The Dates: April 23, MAY 6th, June 17th -19th for Free Arts Bootcamps, Managing Stress from Home, and Dance/USA's 2020 Virtual Conference

Published on April 21, 2020

Sharing Resources from National Partners Capacity Interactive, LYRASIS, and Performing Arts Readiness


In this unprecedented time, Dance/USA recognizes the vital importance of sharing expert resources with the field. 

As we design our own programming for this year's Virtual Conference, Dance/USA is pleased to raise the profile of select national partners that are providing the dance community with rich, relevant, and trusted content. 

This Spring, Dance/USA will present a series of three online events, offering a vibrant arch to the learning and information sharing you will experience with the Dance/USA Virtual Conference in June. 


1. Thursday, April 23 from 1:00pm-5:00pm EDT.

Capacity Interactive’s free Boot Camp for the Arts Livestream 

 Learn more and register!



2. Wednesday, May 6 at 2:00pm ET.

Managing Stress from Home
Free Webinar from LYRASIS & Performing Arts Readiness

This workshop is designed to impart basic tools, tips, and aids to participants to help them navigate current mandates to shelter in place or stay home.

  • Participants will learn tactics and best practices for communicating with others when stress is high across the board.
  • The speaker will cover creating new routines, managing child and elder care, keeping work/life balance in harmony, and maintaining productivity and positivity for those new to working from home.
  • The session will allow for participants to share their thought processes in a safer space, free of judgement. 

Speaker: Joy Stephens, Business Development Manager and Career Development Specialist, New Heights Academic & Leadership Consultant

Learn More & Register Here!


3. The Dance/USA 2020 Virtual Conference, June 17-19.

Learn more.

Questions? Please contact Dance/USA here.



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