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Dance News: Center for Performance Research Announces 10 Artists-in-Residence For 2020

Dance News: Center for Performance Research Announces 10 Artists-in-Residence For 2020

Published on November 12, 2019
Nami Yamamoto in "Headless Wolf." Photo courtesy of the artist.

CPR - Center for Performance Research, which has supported more than 1700 artists in the development of dance and performance projects, is thrilled to announce its 2020 Artist-in-Residence: J. Bouey, mayfield brooks, cruz control collective, Parijat Desai, Stuart B. Meyers, Christopher Núñez, Londs Reuter, Cyrah Ward, Nami Yamamoto, and Lu Yim. These ten dance artists will receive 150 hours - an increase of 50 hours from previous years - of deeply subsidized rehearsal space, advance booking privileges, various performance and community engagement opportunities, and for the first time, artists will receive a $1000 stipend. CPR will welcome the 2020 AiRs in January, as CPR’s 2019 AiRs culminate their residencies at Sunday Salon on January 12, 2020. 

Felix Cruz, Artistic Director of cruz control collective.

In an effort to create a more inclusive and equitable selection process, CPR piloted an open call application for the 2020 Artists in Residence program. Submissions were reviewed by a committee of peer artists. The dedicated panelists reviewed a staggering amount of applications, and convened in person to make the final difficult decisions. 

“We are thrilled to continue to offer CPR’s wonderful residency program to dance artists in 2020, with some exciting developments,” says CPR’s Executive Director Charlotte Farrell. “We have been working diligently to attract and support a diverse range of performing artists across our programs. Transitioning from an invited application process to an open call for our Artists-in-Residence was an exciting step forward,” says Dr. Farrell. “I look forward to welcoming the 2020 Artitsts-in-Residence and continuing to improve and grow the program each year.” 

Parijat Desai. Photo courtesy of the artist.

Since its inaugural year in 2014, with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, CPR’s AiR program has served as a platform for both emerging choreographers and established companies. It has been constructed in a manner so as to impose as few constraints as possible in order to provide an open environment for research and development of new dance work. Through this program, CPR has awarded 80 artists with over 8000 hours of significantly discounted rehearsal space. With continued support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation through the Dance/NYC’s New York City Dance Rehearsal Space Subsidy Program, and additional support from the Howard Gilman Foundation and NYSCA, CPR is excited to increase the amount of hours and resources available to artists in 2020.

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