Dance News: Center for Performance Research Announces 2019 Fall Movement Festival Artists

Each Artist To Present Work Twice From November 7-9, 2019
CPR - Center for Performance Research is pleased to announce Felicia B Avalos, Gabriella Carmichael, Daša Grgič, J’Sun Howard, Nicole Loeffler-Gladstone + zaybra, and Isaac Spector as the 2019 Fall Movement Festival artists.
Each artist will present their work twice over three evenings, from November 7-9 at 7:30pm. Through an open call submission process, peer-artist panelists Deborah Conton, Anabella Lenzu, and Rourou Ye reviewed a large amount of applications to select only six finalists. The artists and works selected draw from a range of sources exploring the subtleties of identity, the limits of representation, and the porosity of truth.

“CPR is thrilled to bring together this talented group of choreographers for Fall Movement,” says Executive Director, Charlotte Farrell. “We received a record-breaking amount of applications this year, and our extraordinary panelists worked tirelessly in their selection processes.” This is the sixth year of Fall Movement at CPR, and the program continues to grow. “Fall Movement fills a critical need for emerging choreographers to share their work with the artistic community,” says Farrell. “We are proud to provide this platform for dance artists.”
CPR’s Fall Movement provides an opportunity for emerging and established choreographers to present works at various stages of development. Once a year in the Fall, CPR presents a festival of works by local and international emerging and established choreographers in dance and performance. Fall Movement features six choreographers and includes works-in-progress, finished pieces, and premieres of creative and unique collaborations with filmmakers, musicians, and visual artists. Artists are selected through an open-application process.

All performances will take place at CPR’s Brooklyn venue, located at 361 Manhattan Avenue. Tickets are $10 in advance and at the door, and $8.50 with valid IDNYC. More information is available at