DANCE NEWS: Mark DeGarmo Dance Receives Funding to Continue its Dance and Literacy Program in NYC Public Elementary Schools in 2021

Mark DeGarmo Dance is one of 1,032 organizations included in the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Cultural Development Fund's recently announced awards. Mark DeGarmo Dance will use this funding to help continue its “Partnerships in Literacy through Dance & Creativity©” program, an in-school (currently virtual) program with NYC Title I public elementary schools in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. National Dance Education Organization research shows that only 1% of USA elementary schools have such a program.
The National Endowment for the Arts termed MDD’s evidence-based interdisciplinary elementary school dance program “a national model.” President Barack Obama commended MDD for its service to “your communities and the nation.” The award also supports MDD’s annual Professional Learning Program for Teaching Artists and Teachers and its Virtual Salon Performance Series, including MDD’s Virtual International Arts Festivals for Social Change.

The DCLA announced, “This year, $40.6M will be awarded through the Cultural Development Fund (CDF) to a total of 1,032 organizations. The Fiscal 2021 Programs budget includes $12.2M in one‐time funds added by the New York City Council and allocated based on Council priorities.”
Commissioner Gonzalo Casals added in a letter, “I want to recognize you and your fellow cultural workers for the work you’ve done in spite of – and in response to – this year’s unprecedented challenges. I’ve been inspired to see you all find ways to continue engaging your fellow New Yorkers with cultural programming, while also making tremendous sacrifices to keep your neighbors and loved ones safe. Culture is what makes New York City great ‐ it brings people here, connects them, and fosters healthy, vibrant communities. And your work creates that culture. We appreciate your partnership and it is our honor to invest in your work on behalf of all New Yorkers.”
On behalf of its Board and the NYC communities it serves, Mark DeGarmo Dance thanks the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and The New York City Council for their current and long-term funding support. MDD was founded in NYC in 1987.