Support The Dance Enthusiast by Shopping on Amazon!

You Can Support TDE On Prime Day or Any Day That You Shop Amazon!
#StartWithaSmile like Audrey on Prime Day or Any Day of the Year!
If you are an Amazon shopper, you know there are great deals tomorrow, Tuesday, July 12 (aka Prime Day). Moving Arts Projects, the non-profit of which The Dance Enthusiast is a project, is part of the AmazonSmile program that supports non-profits. When you #StartWithaSmile on Prime Day, Amazon donates to The Dance Enthusiast/Moving Arts Projects Inc. The proceeds from your purchase will help us tell more engaging stories about the vibrant artists and companies in our community.
Simply click on this link HERE to begin shopping and log onto your Amazon account. Your purchases will then support The Dance Enthusiast/Moving Arts Projects Inc.
Will you miss Prime Day? Never fear. You can shop on Amazon any day of the year to support The Dance Enthusiast's mission.